Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Arizona's Solar Access Fee is Gone - Can We Expect to See More Solar Panel Lead Generation

Arizona’s homeowners and solar contractors are celebrating a recent change that will make solar more affordable. The new update will contribute to a positive uptick in solar panel lead generation throughout the state.

No More Exploiting Solar Customers

The Arizona Corporation Commission has just rescinded a grid access fee that was deemed unfair and exploitative. It was originally enforced by the Arizona Public Commission, charging the average solar homeowner $100 per year under the pretense that they were more expensive for grid providers to supply energy to. 

However, this was untrue. Representatives from the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) testified that contrary to the claims made by APS, solar customers did not cost more to service, and the grid access charges did not recoup any lost revenues. It was also proved that solar customers did not displace grid expenses to other households. 

A SEIA official praised the charge revocation: 

“We are at a point in our country where we need to focus on deploying more clean energy and unnecessary utility charges and fees can be a major deterrent to potential solar customers. This change will more fairly recognize the benefits of local solar adoption and we hope we can expand solar accessibility to even more Arizonans.”

Bringing More Solar Buyers to the Market

With the grid access charge gone, homeowners can now save hundreds more on utility costs over the years that their solar systems are operational. Over the 25-30 year lifespan of a typical solar system, they can expect to see an average savings of $2500-$3000 just on the grid access fee alone. This means that solar customers can look forward to a much greater and more rapid ROI. 

Such a boost in the financial gains brought by solar is sure to attract more buyers. Contractors can ensure that they connect with those who are serious about installing by sourcing their leads through 

This service generates leads in-house, personally screening them for purchase-readiness via live phone calls with agents who are experts in identifying strong solar customers. All leads are scheduled for their first appointment, then delivered only to a single contractor. The process gives installers the best footing to secure a sale. 

Find Sale-Ready Solar Customers at

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