Thursday, 3 June 2021

How to Generate Solar Panel Leads on Facebook

Facebook is a part of many people’s daily lives, and now a major source of solar panel leads for contractors who use smart marketing strategies. In this post, we provide you with some quick tips for getting the most out of Facebook as a solar lead generator.

Build an Engaging Brand Page

If your contracting business has yet to set up a Brand Page on Facebook, it’s time to get it done. These pages are now a standard facet of any company’s online presence, and they make it easy to engage with customers right on the platform they use for everyday socializing. Potential customers can more easily find your business, and quickly reach out via message to inquire about your services.

Solar Panel Leads

One of the best ways to cultivate engagement with your Brand Page is to keep your page active and inviting. By posting photos, videos, promotions, etc., you can project the image that your company is a busy and lively organization that is ready to take on work. You’ll get an extra boost in approachability if you incorporate a personal touch in your content, such as photos of your team and helpful video how-to guides.

Boost Posts and Run Targeted Ads

If you don’t have a ton of followers yet, you’ll need to pay to increase your reach. You can do this in the form of “boosting” posts that you make on your Facebook Brand Page, or you can run dedicated Facebook Ads. 

When you set up an ad on Facebook, you start by selecting your marketing goal. You can choose to gear your ad toward goals such as increasing brand awareness, fostering engagement, generating new leads, or converting leads. From here, you’ll refine your audience targets by age, gender, location, and other qualifiers. You can also choose where to run your ad across Facebook-owned channels, as well as your budget and time restrictions. 

Once you’ve set the parameters for your ad or boosted post, you’ll be able to access analytics and see how well it’s performing. These insights can help you fine tune your advertising strategy to focus on what works best.

Be Active and Helpful in Local Facebook Groups

Facebook is full of groups for community members that want to discuss certain topics. Becoming active in local groups associated with home improvement and sustainability is a great way to connect with new customers and raise brand awareness. 

Simply offering your expert advice on occasional posts can be enough to establish your company’s credibility and build your reputation as the right professional to turn to for all things solar.

Team Up with Other Facebook Businesses

You may already collaborate with other businesses for events and promotions, but is this being reflected on Facebook? Every time you partner up with another company, it’s mutually beneficial to tag each other in Facebook posts that spread the news. 

This could be as simple as sharing photos of your collaboration and each of you thanking or recommending the other to your followers via a tag. Your company will be able to expand its audience to include that of your partner, opening up a whole new network of potential customers.

Supplement Your Solar Panel Leads When Necessary

Sometimes even the best Facebook marketing may not get you all the bookings you need to satisfy your bottom line. When this happens, it’s always best to reach out for help. 

Here at Grid Freedom, we work overtime to ensure that contractors like you have access to enough leads all year long. You’ll never have to worry about dry spells when you come to us as your backup lead source. Our leads outperform competitors due to their complete exclusivity and intensive pre-screening. You can be confident that you’re only getting leads who we’ve certified as serious and enthusiastic customers.

Get all the leads you need - Sign up for free

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