Sunday, 16 September 2018

How to Persuade Homeowners who are on the Fence about Solar

How do you deal with homeowners who still aren’t sure about going solar, even after you’ve finished your consultation? Below, we offer some effective strategies for turning hesitant homeowners into confident solar buyers.

Show Them Success Stories
Homeowners can be hesitant about going solar if they haven’t seen that it has worked out well for others. Provide your customers with this “social proof” by sharing a few customer success stories with them.

Tell them about how much solar is helping other homeowners save on their energy bills, and how that’s improving their lives. If they agree, you can also use your past customers as referrals who will vouch for your services.

Hold a Q&A Session
Some customers may avoid asking questions because they’re afraid of seeming uninformed. Sit down with your customers to explain that many people don’t know a lot about solar, and that you’re happy to answer any questions they have. If they’re still tight-lipped, you can go over the topics homeowners most frequently ask about.

Either way, making this effort will ensure they get the information they need to confidently buy.

Make it Simple
Some solar contractors make the mistake of overwhelming would-be customers with too much unnecessary information. They’ll dive into the details of panel specs or solar regulations, even when it’s not particularly useful for the customer to know.

Doing this distracts homeowners and increases their uncertainty. Try to keep your pitches simple by explaining the benefits that solar will bring them, and the basic steps they’ll need to take to make it happen.

Give Them Options
There’s more than one way to pay for a solar installation, but your customers may not realize that. They may think that they can only pay in cash, when they could actually get a loan, make a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), or lease instead of buy.

Make sure that you take the time to lay out a few different options for how they can finance a solar installation. Your customer might realize that they can afford solar after all.

Get Access to Confident Solar Buyers
It’s best for your business if most of the customers you talk to are already eager to buy. This can be accomplished by purchasing better residential solar leads.

Here at Grid Freedom, we offer lucrative leads for solar contractors that are pre-screened for quality and 100% exclusive. Visit to get connected with enthusiastic solar buyers.

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