Friday, 27 May 2022

Drought & Wildfire Season Will Spark Solar Panel Lead Generation

solar lead company

Entering summer, our worsening climate has become a major worry. Reports warning of looming troubles are filling news headlines from the international to local level. People are responding to these concerns in various ways, one of which includes the pursuit of residential solar installations. In this post, we examine how the two big problems of the season are pushing more homeowners toward solar. 

Extreme Drought is Pushing People Toward Green Living

Drought has become a worldwide problem. In America, approximately half of the lower 48 states (almost 89 million citizens) are experiencing drought conditions. Most of the counties in the West have received official “Drought Disaster” designations from the USDA. 

Such extremity has prompted calls for local residents to take water-saving measures, making changes to habits such as bathing frequency, toilet flushing, lawn watering, and dishwashing. Having state and city officials plead for these lifestyle changes has brought the issue to the forefront of people’s minds. More and more citizens are recognizing the serious consequences of climate change and resource scarcity. 

This is motivating many to transition to greener practices, including the adoption of eco-friendly technologies. Homeowners who are aiming to reduce their own resource consumption are seeking out not just water-saving installations, but also other sustainable features like solar panels. 

Wildfire Season is Bringing Grim Blackout Forecasts

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) recently announced that utility customers can expect more blackouts throughout the 2022 fire season. 

Worsening weather conditions and dryness created by the drought are set to increase the risk of fire sparked by utility infrastructure. In California, it’s expected that the number of preventative power shutoffs (PSPS events) will peak in mid-September. Extreme heat is also expected to overwhelm electricity demands, causing widespread grid failure. 

People living in wildfire-prone regions have come to expect this volatility, and their tolerance is wearing thin. Without air conditioning or refrigeration on the hottest days, residents have to endure conditions that can cause heatstroke, and even result in significant losses as food and medication spoils. Being unable to charge devices also poses a risk for citizens who rely on electronics for notice of evacuations and road closures.  

Many of the affected customers already experience power instability through the winter months. From last Christmas to January 5th, more than 350,000 residents in California’s Sierra region were without power due to a winter storm. Many of these citizens were forced to go without heating, lighting, and even warm meals during this period. While PG&E partnered with local agencies to provide warming centers and food supplies to the affected areas, many of these resources were out of reach for customers who lived in more rural zones or lacked access to transportation. 

Year-round incidents like these have diminished confidence among residents that their utility providers can be counted on. Basic necessities can be gone at a moment’s notice, causing disruption at best, and serious danger at worst. 

Citizens who have been suffering through these conditions are seeking solutions that give them continuous, dependable energy, even when the grid is down. Now at the start of summer, a number of these homeowners want to get solar installed before the risk of blackouts is highest.

Climate Pressures are Driving Solar Lead Generation

With these concerns increasing demand for solar, it’s possible to find many solar customers right now. The key is zoning in on those who are serious and fully ready to make a purchase this season.

Grid Freedom helps contractors like you directly connect with customers who want to buy solar now. We’ve already put in all of the work to attract and screen every lead, ensuring that you only meet with those who’ve been verified as keen and eligible buyers. Each lead comes on a 100% exclusive basis, with their first consultation already scheduled. 

Find Leads Ready for Installations at 

Friday, 13 May 2022

Get Instant Business Buying Residential Solar Leads

Residential Solar Leads

When your business has hit a slow period, there’s not much time before cash flow can become a problem. You need to secure new leads fast, but using the standard marketing methods may not get you, customers, in the short time needed. 

For this reason, many solar contractors in your shoes go straight to buying residential solar leads. Instead of risking a lengthy period during which marketing yields no solid prospects, they ensure that they get concrete opportunities before finances are at risk. 

In this post, we review why buying solar leads creates a fast track to sales, giving you instant business the moment they’re acquired. 

Skip the Lead Generation Process

solar panel lead generation

The first way that buying leads shaves time off the sales journey is by allowing you to skip the solar lead generation process entirely. Absolutely no marketing work is required from your team since the lead has already been produced by a third-party agency. That effort is absorbed by their staff completely, freeing up your people to focus on actually making sales. 

Qualified Leads Eliminate Need for Screening

When you make sure to buy high-quality leads, you cut the risk of leads fizzling out. Agencies that meet the highest standards of lead integrity put them through an intensive screening process before they ever reach your hands. 

That means that you not only get the security of pursuing solar leads already verified as dependable, but you can check off screening from your list of pre-sale duties. 

Pre-Set Appointments = No Nurturing Required

Depending on which agency you choose to source from, even the final step of lead preparation can be taken care of for you. The best agencies only deliver leads who have already been scheduled for their first consultation appointment with you, the purchasing contractor. 

Your team won’t have to convince a customer to agree to a meeting, and there won’t be any need for coordinating what date works for them. All of that is already settled, leaving only the matter of making your pitch and closing the sale. 

solar lead generation companies

Grid Freedom Connects You with Ready Customers

Purchasing your leads from Grid Freedom gives you a direct path to the moment of sale with serious, pre-screened homeowners. Our process eliminates all but the most eligible and enthusiastic customers, passing them on to you only after they’ve been secured for their first consultation. 

You can skip all of the preliminary work required in traditional lead production, saving you valuable time when you need to land sales quickly. Our agency has become the go-to source for leads that provide instant value and ROI. 

Get Your Immediate Customer Appointments at